Friday, February 26, 2010

Language of Video Games in Cinema - Is the language of videogames just a first-person point of view (POV)?

The goal of this paper is to discuss about the language of videogames and the particularity of its first-person point of view. It will also answer the question whether the language of video games is just a first-person point of view (POV) or not, and if it has some relation with other elements like narrative and interactivity; with this, it will discuss about this particular aspect of the language of the videogames in Cinema, analyzing three of the elements of the language as perspective or point of view, narrative and interactivity in pieces of Cinema like Doom: The movie (2005), an adaptation of a video game and The Blair Witch Project (1999), which is a movie that was filmed entirely in first-person shots or first-person perspective.

Paper and presentation available on:

Monday, February 22, 2010

More Augnmented Reality

Hello everyone...
I found this digging on some friends info. I know that Felix wanted to work with this so...
Here you are.

All of them taken from: Vimeo: Inspiration Channel by kopfkribbeln

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

MAX/MSP workshop


this week was with us David Black and he introduced to our lecture MAX/MSP. We basically did a drum machine that slice up and re-organise a beat. The result of our work can be seen below.

Clearly, you can and should use any beat you want! that's what makes it attractive. I connect this with Burrough's cut-ups and machinic art.

Augmented Reality ads

The augmented reality advertising link:
Felix, enjoy and good luck! -Denise

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Amen Beat

The loop we just used today in our short workshop. Take a look.

Monday, February 15, 2010

ReConstitution 2008

ReConstitution is a live audiovisual remix of the 2008 Presidential debates. There will be three performances in three cities, each coinciding with a live broadcast of the debates.
We’ve designed software that allows us to sample and analyze the video, audio, and closed captioned text of the television broadcast. Through a series of visual and sonic transformations we reconstitute the material, revealing linguistic patterns, exposing content and structures, and fundamentally altering the way in which you watch the debates.
The transformed broadcast is projected onto a movie screen for a seated audience.
Join us in witnessing these historical television broadcasts and in reshaping the medium that has reshaped politics for the last half century.
The legibility of the underlying debate is maintained throughout the performance—we don’t want you to miss a word of it.

The video:

ReConstitution 2008 Reel from Sosolimited on Vimeo.

Sunday, February 14, 2010

Presentation of the course

This course tackles DIY, machinima, and hybrid media as means to engage us in a daring and challenging research in grass-roots media practices, thereafter, we will (hopefully) emerge with a good foundation of the semblance of contemporary digital media.
  1. Do-it-yourself (DIY)/ We will be dealing with DIY, the low budget practice with high expectations, as a form of both media resistance and participation. Nowadays, DIY has become a de-facto attitude towards media, everyone is an utterly media producer and operator of machinimas, game mods, mobile apps, blogs, wikis, online radios. All these expressions have steady challenged the traditional mass media structures of content's control. From this stand point we will be addressing at the cultural impact that concepts such as appropriation, repurposing, openness, remix, and playgiarism have on the nature of digital media.
  2. Hybrid media/ What has made possible the apparition of the hybrid media? Which role plays the automation of several media languages and techniques in the computer, in the appearance of such hybrids? How could be described the aesthetics of these hybrids? Should we be afraid of them? Thus, from this stream we will be looking at the machinic combination of media in rhizomatic surfaces.
  3. Machinima/ This term describes a relatively recent species of moving image that results from the mixture of playing video games and producing movies, a hybrid that silently in the underground but massive realm of video games has lured and inspired thousands to enter its territories. In the late 1990s, devoted video game players started to use video game software for experimental movie production. This is a marginal practice that utilizes recordings of gameplay to make short and simple narrative movies.