Monday, March 15, 2010


The MMIRROR is a recursive acronym of MMIRROR Mixed Reality of Horror, which is a prototype of e-shopping virtual mirror for halloween mask. The application itself is developed by using Adobe Flash utilizing the webcam in your computer to be able to augmenting the mask in the reality world so that customer can test and view masks before purchasing it without any hesitation. This is only a prototype showing the augmented reality by using action script, adobe Flex, PaperVision, and the FLARtoolkit library. Thus, further implementation in a website is also possible.

You can also see the "video demo noh.swf" file to show how the application works. Firstly you have to print the marker from the pdf file, cut it with leaving some white part and dont cover the marker with your finger from the camera otherwise it wont be recognize. Then, download the latest flash player from adobe website and play one of this .swf file, put your marker up inside the screen and have fun.

print the marker first:

download swf's here:

1 comment:

  1. Some remarks about Mmirror by Oey, Felix. This is an augmented reality project, it is aimed at helping people to buy Halloween mask on an on-line shop. The idea is simple, print a marker, put it on top of face in front a web cam, pick the mask model you are interested in, and you will see how you look with that mask. You might be scared or thrill but never bored. This application comes after a written paper about the same topic and that shows an author who has started exploring the possibilities of actual projects. A consistent and a good result.
