Monday, March 15, 2010

„The Organ“-Prototype

A two-component DIY-media of video games gameplay videos and real videos. This Max/MSP/Jitter application was made to show allegories in two different types of screens fed with gameplay recordings and the equivalent of real video.
This will will cause relations between the two stories and associations in the plot which can be chosen randomly by runtime like on an organ. Any topic could be blended here. In this case american troops are the topic because any gameplay shots are taken from the game Americas Army, a free game sponsored by the US Army. This could be understood as a critical view on this opinion influencing simulation which is intended.

The left part of the 'code' shows the real video section. A click on the button chooses one of 4 videos randomly. This number of videos is extendable. By clicking the read … Button the predefined film is taken from the hard disk and starts immediately. A tiny screen show the output of the untouched film.

1: The left part of the 'code' shows the real video section. A click on the button chooses one of 4 videos randomly. This number of videos is extendable. By clicking the read ... Button the predefined film is taken from the hard disk and starts immediately. A tiny screen show the output of the untouched film.
2: Shows the operating part. Transparency of 50% each and a module for brightness, saturation and contrast is integrated here. This transparency can be chosen randomly to by pressing the button on top. Standard is 50%.
3: Shows the right video and the same controllers like the left side. These are the gameplay videos.
4: A small unit to record the main screen to hard disk 5: Via fader the two videos are blended on the big screen in b/w. This is the output where the allegories can be seen. Because of a better comparison and the better integration the colours are reduced to black and white.

Here are two output examles:

1 comment:

  1. Hello Nils,
    some remarks about your work. You did a remix-tiny-machine, in which two different videos are possible to blend. Your chosen sources are shots taken from a video war game and real shots from an actual war. The visual are appealing due to the B/W aspect you used, it makes very hard to distinguishes where the fiction and the reality happen. A good piece that needs time to mature in both aesthetic and machinic complexity, in order to generate art pieces in the fussy border between games and reality.
